Types Of Media

A means of communication refers to any method or mechanism through which man expresses himself. And communicates his interests, tastes, concerns, or knowledge.

At the beginning of history, the first means of communication was the man himself, over time. Until the century of enlightenment arrived and with it. The printing press was born, the first of all interrelation mechanisms were consolidated.

What are the types of media?

Mass media

These owe their name to the fact that the messages are transmitted by mechanisms or means that have a great reception. That is to say, that the public that can receive them is enough. Therefore they are called massive considering the number of people they can see at the same time. They are distinguished in:

  • Television, considered the mass media par excellence since it is transmitted by means of a team that is currently present in all spaces.

And it is that undoubtedly the messages broadcast on television are those that reach the largest number of audiences and in addition to this, these are transmitted, in various combined formats such as audio, image, and movement.

That is to say, that it sends a dynamic content according to which the subject is attracted to it, which is why this is one of the most versatile mechanisms that exist today.

The advantage of this medium is that it has maximum coverage. That is, it has a greater reach compared to any other means of communication.

However, in this regard, it presents a detail and it is the excessive cost of production that it represents at the beginning, however, if it is advertising and it is good, the most convenient thing is that it is profitable in the final, for the acquisition of products or services.

  • Radio, the second mass media, although it had lost a bit of fame. It has recovered it in some sectors where television does not reach, and some mobile devices include them.

Through the radio, the message only arrives by audio, and it can be highly promoted if it is handled or is broadcast at times when there is a greater audience, which is determined by marketing.

  • Newspapers and magazines, as we well know, can only transmit the message in a visual way, and contrary to what some may think, these still come alive and maintain their fame in certain locations, so they can be useful for the transmission of information. or specific niche advertising

In other words, these may not be efficient for the communication of national or international messages. Since they are not read regularly or in other sectors.

Some argue, whether these are still mass media, or could be considered auxiliary media.

  • Internet, the giant of mass media, as is evident it is available in most countries. And it is present in all computers and mobile devices so that most can experience the information to the fullest.

This is largely about making the information known to the generality, through public domains. There is little exclusive information that can be found on the internet. Under the perception of paid subscriptions.

It is the reason why companies and even individuals choose to use the internet to place their ads and their own advertisements.

This represents many advantages and is that the message has a maximum and total scope, and is presented in visual, audio, and movement format, it is dynamic.

The costs, no matter how much you may think, are not excessively expensive, that is, people should not think that an ad can be extremely expensive, on the contrary, there are different prices and even payment methods.

  • Cinema, for some time now, cinema has been a good space for the transmission of messages, however, some experts argue about its classification or denomination as mass media, since it will only be directed to a segmented public and by, On the other hand, it represents an excessively expensive investment compared to other means.

Auxiliary means of communication

So named because they are aimed at a specific group or a previously selected sector of the population. Some argue that these are produced in specific niches. Considering that they have peculiar transmission requirements, they are distinguished in:

  • Outdoor advertising, refers to billboards or posters that can be placed in public areas or fast-paced, of all the auxiliary means these are usually the most effective, considering the degree of exposure in which they are.

However, their efficiency will depend not so much on the place of exposure. But on the contrary on the way of presenting the message. That is, on the images, colors, and even lighting used.

  • Indoor advertising, do not usually have great effects. Since they are messages that are included in closed places or in confined spaces. Where the person must enter to appreciate them. That is why, despite being economical in their production. They are not chosen for their low exposure, ultimately resulting in a loss.
  • Direct or direct mail, consists of delivering the advertising or the message directly to the person. Either by local mail or through pamphlets that are delivered in front of them.

It is a medium that is considered expensive for its production and in addition to this. It can be classified as obsolete since most of these do not fulfill their function since people tend to discard or even ignore them.

Alternative media

They are those that are presented as unconventional mechanisms. But on the contrary quite innovative, so depending on the use that they are given. These may or may not be effective, such as the case of mobile advertising.

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