Falling Victim to Phishing Scams

How to Avoid Falling Victim to Phishing Scams

Phishing scams are a common occurrence. It’s important that you know how to avoid falling victim to one of these unethical scam techniques, which could compromise your personal information or even cost you money. The content is brought to you by https://technochatnews.com/

Take the time to double-check the URL

Falling Victim to Phishing Scams
Image source: Google.com

One of the easiest ways to avoid falling victim to phishing scams is to take the time to double-check the URL. This can be done by looking at the address bar and checking to see if it is a legitimate website, or by searching for the website on Google and seeing if it is real. If you are still not sure, call up customer service and ask them if they sent you an email asking for personal information or confirmation of your account details.

Pay attention to the format of URLs

One of the easiest ways to spot a phishing scam is by checking the format of the URL.

If you see a web address that ends in .com, .net, or .org–or anything other than what you’re used to seeing for your favorite websites–it might be worth taking another look at it before entering any personal information or passwords into that site.

Phishing websites can also have misspellings in their domain names (e.g., “hte” instead of “the”). Also check for typos or improper capitalization (e.g., “Google” instead of “Google”). Also read: Making life easier with household gadgets

See if you can easily recognize a URL’s source

You can also check to see if a link is legitimate by looking at its source. Phishing scams often use URLs that look like they’re from legitimate websites, but they’re actually fake. For example, if you get an email from [email protected] , it’s probably not really coming from Apple–you should be suspicious!

If you’re unsure about whether or not a link is safe, search for the website on Google and see if there are any results for that URL; if not, then it may be a phishing scam trying to trick you into giving out personal information or money (or both).

Never click on links sent in email, even from people you know

Phishing scams are most successful when they convince you that the email is legitimate. To avoid falling victim to phishing scams, never click on links sent in email, even from people you know. If you don’t recognize the sender or if something feels off about their request, do not respond or click on any links.

If you do recognize the sender and feel confident that it’s not a phishing scam (for example, if they have sent similar requests before), make sure they actually made this request by calling them directly rather than responding via email or text message.

Be careful when dealing with emails from unknown sources

Email is the most common way phishing scams are carried out, so you should be careful when dealing with emails from unknown sources.

  • Don’t click on links in emails from unknown sources. If you receive an email that contains a link to what appears to be a legitimate website (like your bank’s site), don’t click on it! This can lead you directly into a phishing scam or malware attack. Instead of clicking on these types of links, search for the information yourself using keywords found within the text of your email. If nothing comes up and there’s still something about this situation that doesn’t seem right–for example: if there are misspellings or grammar errors–delete it immediately and contact someone at your bank directly so they can help verify whether or not this message was sent by them in error.
  • Don’t open attachments from unknown sources either! Just like clicking on links can lead us into trouble with phishers hoping we’ll do something stupid like give them our password (or worse), opening attachments can also spell disaster because they could contain viruses that then infect our computer and steal personal information stored therein such as logins/passwords as well as credit card numbers etcetera ad infinitum.


We hope this article has helped you understand how to avoid falling victim to phishing scams. Remember, if something seems too good to be true (or even just plain weird), it probably is! If you ever have doubts about whether or not an email could be a scammer’s attempt at stealing your information, don’t hesitate: to delete it immediately and move on with your day.

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