Twitter Professional Profiles

Twitter tests “Professional Profiles” for businesses

Do you do social media marketing in your business, customer service, or any other communication activity with your customers through Twitter? The microblogging network is testing improvements to enrich the user profile: Professional Profiles.

Twitter has announced the beginning of testing a new type of profile, Professional Profiles. A new tool aimed at business, but also at anyone who uses the social network to work.

Professional Profiles allows you to display specific information about your business directly in the Twitter user profile.

What are Twitter Professional Profiles?

It is true that a company could already show its name and website in the Twitter bio. But the new Professional Profiles expand the amount of information that can be displayed. Now a new section will appear, as shown in the image, called “About” which, in addition to showing the company’s address along with a small map and schedule, will provide two buttons: address to access the location of the business and contact, to establish a direct message through Twitter.

Kayvon Beykpour, product manager at Twitter, reported that ” companies will soon be able to distinguish themselves on Twitter with attributes in their profile, ” although at the moment the tests are limited to the United States. Beykpour noted that there will be more changes and customization options as the implementation of Professional Profiles unfolds.

A Twitter nod to the professional environment

Twitter has been introducing gradual changes to its platform. But the vast majority of them were aimed at users in general. The company moves tab with the intention of playing within the business framework, a segment that was somewhat more neglected and that seemed almost the exclusive preserve of networks such as LinkedIn.

In fact, even other more general social networks such as Facebook already had a different company profile from that of individuals. How will this improvement of Twitter help companies and professionals? It is certainly not a revolution by offering information on the public company and theoretically available to anyone. But it does provide such information quickly and directly.

Twitter has become a commonly used tool for many Internet users and is the first source of information for them when looking for a business, so this new function will help companies to offer relevant data in a more agile way.

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